sweeten up your space // day 1
Today starts a fun little series i'll be posting every day up until valentines day! 14 ways to show some love. You don't have to be in a relationship to enjoy these. You most likely need to have a love for red, cake, pink or champagne though. I'll be sharing ideas, diy's, and tiny little things that are quick and fun. R and I don't usually get too mushy on vday, it's become a tradition to stay in and make a nice dinner together, usually ending in cupcakes which are impossible to find on valentines day (but the one thing i ask for). I do, however, like any chance to decorate and celebrate. So here is way #1 to show a little love for this fabulously frilly holiday.
Display some yummy red candy for you and your house guests! I can only eat so many candy hearts, so i'd much rather go with a color scheme and fill fancy jars with candy we enjoy. Lidded jars are perfect for leaving these goodies out for a while (if it lasts that long).
Placing on a side table or coffee table creates insta vday decor too with minimal effort.
(ps. how awesome is our camel table from
z gallerie? wedding present!)
So check back tomorrow (yes, i'm posting on the weeekend, shocker!), the next day, and the next day, and find tiny ways to fill your life with a little more love over the next two weeks.
How about you? Are you anti valentines day or do you embrace the pink and sparkly goodness?