Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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if you haven't noticed . . .

i've been a bit absent the past week or two.. i guess you can say stuck in a rut. a blogging rut:) i think this happens once in a while to us creative people. so i'm vowing to push through this week and bring back some fun, inspiring and interesting posts for you!
i had coffee and a little brainstorming session with sharon from cupcakes and cutlery yesterday... and wow, i think she could just throw down ideas for days and never run out. i left with my pumpkin spice craving taken care of, and with my head spinning full of ideas for a project we're collaborating on! {more about that later!} it was just what i needed:)

on a completely separate note, i am in L.O.V.E. with this creation.


a customer contacted me w/ a specifc pattern in mind and asked if i could recreate it for her. i told her OF COURSE! custom orders are my fave! and thankfully, this girl has amazing taste and asked me to do the most awesome pattern:)

then something happened, which i can look at as good and/or bad news.  i put on the final clear coat and the paint started to wrinkle! i think i might have started crying, i was so mad i don't remember... this has happened to me about twice and i CAN NOT figure out why.
so what is the good news? since i would never send it out or re-sell it, its mine! the wrinkling was minor, so i really don't care, this baby is going to have a new home in the kitchen i think:)
i just love this tray so much i think i'm going to make some for the shop!
thanks for listening:) or reading, ha:)

{xo, l}