Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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four pins i want in my life

i'd be lying if i said that everything i really wanted to put in this post was food. why does everything look so darn good on pinterest? well, here is my filtered list of current faves. only one of them being food related ;)

i can always tell when the temps are cooling down. all of the sudden i am drawn to anything, black, with cheese (ha!), or just cozy in general. like this beanie? it's just amazing. cozy and incredibly chic at the same timeā€¦ do you think i would look totally silly going to the grocery store in this? would it be appropriate for a dinner out? i don't know. i do know it needs to be in my closet though. then there's this tart. i used to hate mushrooms, now i can't get enough of them. and this looks easy enough.. probably even easy enough to pair with some cocktails at a happy hour. yum. and this bra. i realize you wouldn't see it much under my giant sweaters i live in through the winter, but there are indoor parties and things you could totally show this off in under a cute flowy tank right? yes, this would definitely dress up my forever 21 white tank tops. and finally, i die over these prints. i'm currently collecting the final pieces, which include 6 prints, that i need for my office. pretty sure one from this gals shop is going to make the cut.

i'm working on getting the hadley site up and running for your holiday shopping ;) keep up to speed and follow along on facebook to see when we go live!