Lauren Saylor Interiors + Design || A Fabulous Fete Wedding Invitations + Stationery

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A Valentine's Day Advent Calendar || DIY

We don't usually make too much of Valentine's Day around here. Usually we'll make a nice dinner at home + exchange cards. If there are any gifts involved, typically the rule is it has to be (mostly) handmade. We used to make a bigger deal out of it all... we had the dinner reservations, gifts, dressed up etc. But after a few years it honestly got a little exhausting (not to mention expensive, HAVE YOU BEEN OUT on valentines day recently?!). Ryan's bday is just 3 days after vday, and trying to plan and purchase ALL THE THINGS for both, became a lot. Plus, neither of us would ever win an award for being romantic, sentimental or mushy... so it's just never been something we've wanted to invest a ton of time or effort into.

I think that it is still a fun time to give each other a sweet card and make a special dinner together, though. So I do like our low-key celebrations and still like to come up with fun ways to show the love. I thought a fun Valentine's Day themed version of an advent calendar would be the perfect way to do that. All you have to do is come up with 14 things you love, like, or admire about your significant other and write it down. Then each day leading up to vday (starting on the 1st), you each get to open one. 

What do you guys do one Valentine's Day? Do you keep it mellow, go all out, or do you boycott it completely? Would love to hear your traditions (or NON traditions!) in the comments!



  1. Letter 2 sets of envelopes one through fourteen.
  2. Each person will get a set + 14 blank flat cards to pen their fave things about the other person.
  3. Tuck each one in an envelope and seal.
  4. Put each stack in order and keep in a box, or you can pin them up on a cork board, or garland style with clothespins!

Shop the supplies I used for this project...

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