Learn To Letter | Cocktails
So it has basically been summer again here in souther california. And warm whether always prompts cocktail hour around here on the weekend. with that said, it felt like a good idea to kick off (well, re-kick off) our learn to letter series with one of our favorite words;) If you missed these when I used to do the a while back, I shared one word every weekend that had a mini guide on how to letter it. Follow the arrows and give it a shot!
You can print it out to trace, or try it freehand. That is up to you. But in the past, students always said the guides with arrows really helped them to understand how to letter... so I hope this helps you too! You can see more from the archives below if you have more time to click around and try other words. Want to learn even more? You can check out my guide here. Grab one and learn the whole alphabet, then move on to this series and before you know it you'll be a pro.
Enjoy! And don't forget to share your practice sheets by tagging @afabulousfete