The holidays...

Hello! I'm back... it was a busy week last week. I was hard at work finishing up the final touches for E's Dessert Party {which took place on Sunday and I can't wait to share the photos}. I'm definitely ready for my 4 day weekend now! What does everyone have planned? We'll be doing our normal dinner at my parents house and then heading out to the lake for a little relaxing, just what I (we) need:)
Now, it's not going to be "lake" weather, so there will be no swimming, boating, etc... but it's never bad to get out of the house and out of your day to day routine, right? Our days will mostly be spent walking our dogs, riding the cruiser bikes around, sipping some drinks by the water, oh, and of course eating the Thanksgiving left overs.

Moving on quickly from Thanksgiving... only a few weeks left until Christmas! My favorite holiday.... when I came across this photo from Kate Spade, it made me even more excited for the cold weather. Adorable socks with sparkly heels? CUTE!
And I couldn't just share one of my favorite pictures of sparkly things...

1... lovely little kate spade striped socks
2... fabulous sparkly flowers for holiday decor from lucky girl goods
3... i HEART this photo by disneychick found on flickr
4... glam necklace perfect for a holiday cocktail party by doloris petunia
5... a rustic wintery garland by funkyshique
Hope you all have a great weekend!