[confetti lab | quick recap]

marathon party weekend prep is almost complete... but i thought i needed to pop in a give you all a little peek of last night! Confetti Lab turned out amazing! So many people came out to support, food was delicious, cocktails were yummy, and i had a blast getting to be a part of it.
i left all of the picture taking to up imagery, since... he's awesome at it, so why not:) i did take a few though

and then it lit up...

diy masking tape garland craft table

one of the tables that made up a little lounge area for guests

and a shot at the marg bar::

i created the custom calligraphy signs and straws for the 3 margarita flavors we were offering.

we had so many people that supported and offered product and/or service to make this event happen... so   here's a flyer i designed to give everyone the credit they deserved

i cannot wait to see all of the images from up imagery!
i'll also be sharing some recipes we used for our rosemary lemon margaritas and pomegranate.. yum.

oh, and did you see that new button at the top? yep, event design... currently it's a work in progress. I'll be updating it in the next few days and will do an official launch and post:)
i'm off for a tiny bit of me time, shopping for jewelry and a quick stop at the nail salon before our engagement party tomorrow. I'll be back next week to share all of those details as well!
Have a fabulous weekend.