january recap // lifestyle

time to wrap up jan, can you believe it's already gone? maybe it was getting back into the swing of things after the holidays that made it go by so quick? hopefully. this is one of my favorite times of the year, second to christmas;) ryans birthday is coming up, valentines day, and we'll be celebrating my 30th at the beginning of march! we've been planning (mentally) for months so it's finally time to book things, make reservations, start packing and prepare for the celebration! i'll share more on bday plans this month. for now, let's quickly scroll through what happened in january.

looking back, i think i accomplished a lot! we finally shot my office, i taught another calligraphy class, shot plenty of blog posts and drank my weight in wine. i've been doing awesome on

my goals from last month

. i actually set realistic changes that i could make to my everyday routine, and keeping them feels great. just making those small tweaks has changed a lot of other things around me. our house is actually worthy of guests at any moment because it isn't a huge pile of stuff, i've been focusing more on eating what makes me feel good (i've eliminated a lot of things i thought were healthy but were making me feel crappy) which keeps me much more productive all day rather than sick, and i don't want to throw up every time i think about my inbox… it's (kind of) under control! now that these things are slowly becoming habits, i hope that i won't have to think as much about doing them, i just DO them, make sense?

so for february, i want to set a few business goals to get that space in my head organized.

1. set a solid pricing structure. this is absolutely one thing i hate doing every day. sending people quotes. i have a good idea of my base pricing for everything, what i have to make for the project to be worth my time, but beyond that, i have to customize almost everything and it drives me nuts. i've been working on "rules" for how i price things out, so i want to have that set in stone this month as we slowly move into wedding season!

2. work on some sort of online calligraphy course! i don't know if i'll do video classes or written out guides, but i want to start this as there has been a lot of interest and i know everyone can't travel to learn! it'll also be a good budget friendly version of our current classes.

two goals are good for this month, they're bigger than usual. how are your goals doing? share your feb goals in the comments, i'd love to hear what they are!

ps. i started a

youtube channel

for my calligraphy videos!

there's only two… but i'll be adding them hopefully weekly,

subscribe here



see past months here

 | all images via

my instagram feed
