February Notes
Ok, so we’re one month into 2019 and i’m pretty into setting our intentions for the month, even if this is only the second month we’ve done it. If you missed the January Notes, you can reread them here, but basically what I wanted to start doing was set a focus or vision for the month. Besides making content easier to plan here on the blog, I feel like it makes it much more useful for you guys. You know what to expect and you understand why we are sharing it. It’s not just a bunch of posts we pulled out of a hat. These intentions for our direction have really just come from how i’m feeling at the moment… if i’m being completely honest!
So, what’s in store for February? We’re focusing on love for yourself (because we’re slightly under the influence of valentines day), improving your life with little things around you, and creating a better environment for where you spend your most time. This should really be the focus year round, but I wanted to start somewhere. It’s still cold and rainy, which means we’re all probably spending a lot of time indoors and in our homes. Something that really took me by surprise recently is how my mood changes when I take the time to make an area of our home look nice. It goes from a place I dread to one I just want to stand in and stare. And since we have renovations going on in our home, it’s been hard to find those spaces. If they are a space I can make more beautiful, sometimes I think to myself, why would you do that if you’re just going to tear it down in a few months? There’s the problem. Why can’t a space be organized and make you happy, even if there are plans for it to change in the future? I mean, i’m not going to go and buy new furniture quite yet, but adding a little decor, or organizing a space will only make us feel more calm in the meantime.
It’s not spring cleaning, it’s more of a mid-winter refresh. We have all of our goals set for the next few months and are hopefully pushing forward. So let’s focus on ourselves a little now and doing those things that bring the calm vibes. For us that means, organizing our work spaces, decorating a spot that has been neglected for the past few months in our home, or picking up a quick new habit that helps us improve our business. In short, I want to share how we are paying more attention to all of the little things we can do to create joy in our environments.
“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.”